Leslie and David's Cancerland Adventures

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hair Yesterday, Gone Today

It's done. I finally shaved my head.

I haven't said much about it recently, but my hair has been steadily falling out. And not replacing itself. The result: very, very thin -- and very unattractive -- hair.

I've been wearing hats and scarves for about six weeks, and I've gotten used to adjusting my wardrobe choices to include a matching headdress. Who knew I could accessorize? But there are challenges too. In the cold weather, a silk scarf is not sufficient warmth, yet a hat is too hot for indoors. Solution? Pull my favorite soft fleece watch cap on over the scarf when outdoors. Whatever works. (The bonus to my fleece cap is that I got it at the thrift store in Little Compton. Cheap AND full of warm memories.)

As with so many other things, David and I made this a joint project. First he cut the remaining hair short.

Then I slathered shaving cream on and we did a first pass. I did the top and sides. David did the back. Despite his fears, I was the one who drew blood. (But not a lot). We did a final close shave with a new blade.

It'll take some getting used to the new look. And if I choose not to wear a head cover, it will take some getting used to the stares that I will certainly attract. I'll need to wear earrings and/or makeup to reduce the number of times I get called "sir". While it's a bit of a shock at first, I don't think it's a bad look at all.


  1. Leslie, you look beautiful! (During my treatments I was told I had a good looking bald head. Robin Roberts had just modeled without a wig and she gave me strength to be comfortable with or without). I too took comfort in fleece hats- and I found I needed scarves. I didn't like the feeling of cold on the back of my neck.

    Congratulations on getting through your chemo treatments. Every day better!

  2. Looks good, and you don't look (at least in this picture) like a "Sir."

  3. You look great. I think you need a very large pair of earrings . . .

  4. Or at least a pair of very large earrings . . . .

  5. Leslie, I realize it's not your look of choice, but actually you look great! You can add dangly earrings for glamour but you won't need them to show you're a beautiful lady.

  6. PS I wrote my note above before I saw Nancy G's comments.... Enjoy accessorizing!

  7. You must not have realized that bald is the new black.

    You look stunning. Beautifully flushed. Healthy.

    Killer earrings or not, ruby lips or not -- you look lovely. A rose wrapped around a steel stem.


  8. I think this is about the best post yet! Ditto all the comments above, you look great with or without a head of hair.

  9. You look beautiful.
