Leslie and David's Cancerland Adventures

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mr. Encesci

All our lives can be envisioned as Venn Diagrams of discrete and overlapping groups of people.  Leslie's enfolded so many diverse connections that it would look more like a budding rose than a simple clover.

I've always admired Leslie's social flexibility.  Early on, I loved that she could go from work clothes to softball uniform to evening dress without batting an eye (though, somewhere in there, one assumes she eyed a bat).  The diagram expanded over time: family, friends, our kids' friends and their families, community and school groups, dance moms (lower case, if you please), academic peers, fellow teachers and more.

I seldom got to meet, but was privileged to share Leslie with, yet another group - her students.  As a special area teacher, she had the distinction that every child in a grade level went through her classroom.  In recent months, we've received cards and drawings from kids she taught recently, and high-schoolers who fondly remember Pancake Day, rats and tree frogs, bubble bombs, and gardening.

All this is a very roundabout way of getting to a lovely tribute to Leslie's influence that we received today, a pillow made by a student she taught last year.

Meet Mr. Encesci.  Can you figure out where he got his name?

Mr. E now protects us from his perch on the headboard of our bed.


  1. He looks right at home. I will let Harper know...

  2. I'm not smart enough to know the answer, but entertained for sure!
    Cathy Fink

  3. Hola Leslie and David! Just want to let you know, yesterday I did an activity with 5th graders after reading the book No Talking. Students were challenged to do a few activities without talking. After we completed the activities I asked them if they have ever done something simmilar and many of them said yes. They remember doing several activities in Leslie class where she would chanllenge students to do something in silence. They all seem to remember that time as a fun time. It was nice hear them talking about a nice experience they share with their fourth grade science teacher. It also made think of you two. Best wishes. Angelica.

  4. It seems that the Science Angel's arrival was timely. I'm sure Mr. Encesci was the perfect escort and companion for dear Leslie. What a lovely gesture by her student; yet another symbol of the impact she has made on so many. Christine
